
Quick Redesign!
2023 Goat Festival T-shirt
Book 2 Homesteading
 Minimalist Label for Women’s Hair Care
Tasty Sleep Vitamin Gummies Design Needed for Nature's Nutrition
sophisticated garden inspired logo for my ultra chic NY online store.
Jesus illustration needed for sweat activated t-shirt
Jesus illustration needed for sweat activated t-shirt
In contest Personal identity logo that is F1 racing style inspired!

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I love Designing

País: Filipinas. Miembro desde: lunes, 24 de junio de 2013


"My labels are perfect! They are unique to the product that I created, yet the design fits with the rest of my products, so it’s cohesive with the other designs. I plan to work with this designer in the future. She’s very prompt and replies quickly to ch..."
Foto del perfilaqil0 reseñado hace más de 2 años
"Thank you! very much i look forward to working with you again in the future."
Foto del perfilBeldandi respondido hace más de 2 años
"Thanks to Beldandi, we could turn our vision into the logo. She has a lot of ideas and skills to make it visible."
Foto del perfilkanekoc reseñado hace cerca de 7 años
"Beldandi did a beautiful job designing my label. A pleasure to work with. "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace cerca de 7 años
"Beldandi was perfect to work with. He did what I asked en was very patient. I can recomment him."
Foto del perfilm.m_de_vries reseñado hace casi 9 años