
Inspired Living
Onebody Collective
Gemini Lash Lounge
Lucid Cupid
Rivion Wedding Films
Atrium Spa
Fashion Vault
Donáre Virtú
Higher Self Aesthetics

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Hi! We are Double M Studio, a design and illustration agency

We specialize in simple, minimalist and elegant logos, but we can adapt to any style our clients need

Always available for 1 to 1 projects

Miembro desde: miércoles, 10 de junio de 2020
Nivel intermedio




"Best designer I've worked with. Understands the assignment and delivers in record time. My go to designer now!"
Foto del perfilIndustryplan reseñado hace cerca de 15 horas
"I'm so happy with the final design and to work with MM was a pleasure. Thank you!"
Foto del perfiltaisiyasfashioF reseñado hace 23 días
"Loved how thoughtful our designer was with our logo and quick & responsive to our feedback as well!"
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 3 meses
"Thanks for the comments, it was a pleasure working together :) I'll be ready for future work"
Foto del perfilDouble M Studio respondido hace 3 meses
"This designer was incredible. I asked for so many verions and updates and tiny changes. The designer handled all my questions with grace and delivered a product am so excited to use!"
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 3 meses
"Really fast and efficient. Great communication and understanding of the product. Highly recommend"
Foto del perfilsonnyA reseñado hace 5 meses